Good Luck Charms Kabbalah And Evil Eye
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The Red kabbalah Bracelet

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The Red kabbalah Bracelet Empty The Red kabbalah Bracelet

Post  Admin Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:50 am

As seen at Lucky Charms USA they carry many kinds of red kabbalah bracelets. these bracelets are to protect against the evil eye. you are suppose to wear the red kabbalah string bracelet on your left hand side, the side which is closer to your hand, your receiving hand. It should be put to you buy someone who loves you. While putting it you should say the "Ben Porat" prayer which is a prayer from the bible asking angles to come and protect you from any evil eye or harm. It is to ward off the evil eye. once you have it on, you DON'T TAKE IT OFF, even in the shower. if you do, you need to say again the Ben Porat prayer
Once the bracelet breaks (might take up to a few years) you shouldn't try to fix it. It is a actually good. it means all the negative energies went to the bracelet instead of you. and then it is time to get a new one if you wish.
The Red Kabbalah Bracelet is a great ancient tradition. I think it is better than putting a piece of garlic in your pocket Very Happy


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Join date : 2008-11-16

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