Good Luck Charms Kabbalah And Evil Eye
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A great collection of Hand made hamsas from the Holy Land ISrael

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A great collection of Hand made hamsas from the Holy Land ISrael Empty A great collection of Hand made hamsas from the Holy Land ISrael

Post  Admin Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:57 am

I saw a great collection of Hamsa made in Jerusalem. They carry all kind of energy stones and a blessing for the home or a blessing for the business. These hamsas may be found here hamsa for the home and business.
Hamsa or also known as Chamsa, hamesh hand and the hand of fatima, is an ancient symbol for protection against the evil eye. to ward off negative enrgies of other forces from a certain area. They may be put in your home, in your office, your car and even on yourself if it is a hamsa bracelet or a hamsa pendant or a hamsa necklace. basically it is first the hand of god which comes to your protection than comes you and your loved ones.
when puting a hamsa in your house or room or office, it should be put in the entrance so when someone enters your house or office, they right away change their negative energies to positive ones.


Posts : 6
Join date : 2008-11-16

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