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Studying Kabbalah Resources

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Post  kabbalist Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:41 pm

I have been asked a number of times how to best proceed through this Forum if one is beginning to look at Kabalah. I find it a quite difficult question, as these are discussions certainly elucidating various aspects, but often, much is taken for granted.

I suggest going through the Table of Contents below, starting at the top, and moving through each of the Sefirot (Keter to Malkut), occasionally dipping into the other thread offerings.

Possibly what is going to be of central importance for the purposes of this Forum (as opposed to traditional Kabalah, in which a thorough grounding in the Torah - in Hebrew - would be deemed more central), is a slow appreciation for the (various) glyph(s) of the Tree of Life.

Hope this is of some assistance.

Table of Contents [last updated 25.09.04 - some threads not linked yet]Tree of Life - Sephiroth (& Da'at)Four WorldsLettersGeneral Discussions - Other'Guided' Meditations/pathworkings - GD varietyBooks and thingsMiscellaneous


Posts : 3
Join date : 2008-11-21

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