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Motivation in outsourcing? A Costa Rican call center's secret to success.

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Motivation in outsourcing? A Costa Rican call center's secret to success. Empty Motivation in outsourcing? A Costa Rican call center's secret to success.

Post  RichardBlank Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:01 pm

What is Costa Ricas Call Center's secret to motivation?

If the agents value success, integrity, customer service, a personal work ethic, excellence and innovation, then we help the associate align those values with the organization's objectives. We help in creating personal long-term goals such as becoming a top producer or a more short-term goal like mastering the calling script. We reinforce their emotional state of confidence, keeping them focused on the basics, guidelines and adherence to hit for a higher standard. Rewards are common for agents with positive customer feedback so that they consider the call center a career opportunity, not a dead end job.

Money will always motivate employees. In Costa Rica, call center jobs are high-paying, highly sought-after jobs in comparison to other vocations. Most of the telemarketing jobs leaving the United States are for positions and salaries many North Americans snub. Our call center agents will make a consistent, effective contribution to the campaigns success in order to insure that their paycheck continues.

Posts : 37
Join date : 2010-03-12
Age : 52
Location : Rohrmoser, Costa Rica


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