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Call center telemarkting advice and structure.

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Call center telemarkting advice and structure. Empty Call center telemarkting advice and structure.

Post  RichardBlank Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:01 pm

A carefully crafted script, coupled with motivational training, will mentally prepare your teams personality to make the maximum number of completed sales each day. One extra lead can make all of the difference to your companys bottom line and growth.

Only the most dedicated, quick witted and endurance driven individuals will be chosen for this most important position. Costa Rica's Call Center will only entertain hiring those with the skill to successfully handle rejection gracefully while at the same time thinking outside of the box to make a sale.

A telemarketer that rushes through a script for fear of rejection can never match up equally to one of our call centers well trained sales executives. We will represent you and your company in the best light when selling your product or service. Costa Rica's Call Center will only hire proven closers with unlimited potential, period.

Posts : 37
Join date : 2010-03-12
Age : 52
Location : Rohrmoser, Costa Rica


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