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Call centers in Costa Rica are ideal for bilingual bpo outsourcing fundraising.

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Call centers in Costa Rica are ideal for bilingual bpo outsourcing fundraising. Empty Call centers in Costa Rica are ideal for bilingual bpo outsourcing fundraising.

Post  RichardBlank Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:03 pm

Costa Rica's Call Center will organize your fundraising campaign with a team of highly skilled bilingual telemarketers, create and design your promotional material and most importantly, maximizing the amount of revenue donated verses amount invested. Our Costa Rican call centers are dedicated in building lasting and supportive relationships with selected organizations whose effort symbolizes noble humanitarian causes.

At Costa Rica's Call Center, we are capable of setting up several systems for pledge fulfillment. All donations will be documented for you organizational records and sent daily for your review. Our fundraising system is influenced by our strong value system. It is this underlying principle that guides our conduct on every phone call while abiding by all appropriate laws.

Your fundraising scripts are precisely written to advance the donor to more generous amounts of giving so they will feel good about the experience. All initial contacts will initiate an effort to triple the past donation and if the donor declines, we are prepared to uncover a more comfortable sum. Our level of boldness will depend upon the donor's initial interest and reaction to the opening amount asked. Our pinpoint strategies use information from demographic and market studies against your database of past donors in order to understand the precise communication needed to receive the donation.

We recognize how significant multiple reminders are for your campaign. Our web department can give your newsletter or website the essential boost to get their attention.

Up to four reminders are sent via email as well as multiple courtesy calls. A personal contact can succeed after a direct mailing. We leave moving and heartfelt messages to raise the probability of receiving a gift. Your Costa Rica's Call Center telemarketing team will communicate very clearly your values and fundraising goals to each individual for added confidence. As a final point, we use this occasion to build better long term relationships with the donors and their personal referrals for bigger fundraising campaigns in the future.

Posts : 37
Join date : 2010-03-12
Age : 52
Location : Rohrmoser, Costa Rica


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