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More Kabbalah Links

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Post  kabbalist Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:45 pm

Across the Board

The Gateway to Qabalah

Gateway to Qabalah
- a very useful site, which provides an excellent
launch point to both the Judaic/Zoharic/Lurianic/Hassidic and the Hermetic/Occult
traditions of Kabbalah.  Organised by Doug Evans

Wikipedia page Kabbalah - Wikipedia page

Web SiteimagesThe Kabbalah Page - by Glyn Williams - excellent general introduction to Kabbalah - deals with a wide range of pertinent topics

FAQs Kabbalah
- prepared for the Usenet/Internet newsgroup "alt.magick"
by Colin Low.   An excellent introduction to Kabbalah. 

Primarily hermetic/magickal, but
there is also large amount of Judaic and
some Renaissance Christian material
as well.  Highly recommended.

web pageannoitated links page The Cabala - great links page - includes both Hermetic and Traditional Kabbalah sites - part of Brian Pivik's external link The Western Esoteric Magical and Cabalistic Pages.

mail list Exclusively Kabbalah - a Yahoo! Group with the express aim of discussing Kabbalah in all of it's forms (Traditional, Hermetic and anything else)

Yahoo Kabbalah
- a good list; some overlaps with Colin's

Web Site Kabbalah
- a good personal introduction - covers the whole field;
mainly Judaic/traditional but with some hermetic/magickal.  Organised
by external linkOvid
(from whose page I borrowed a few scanned image
files for this site)

on-line document An Introduction to The Study of The Kabalah by William Wynn Westcott.  Wescott was on of the founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

web page What is Qabbala? - general introduction to and comments on the meaning of Kabbalah

web pageannoitated links page The Kabbalah - annoitated list of links - good accross the board coverage - similiar to the present page (but with a number of pages not listed here) even some links back here

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Artwork, Models, Visual aids

Symbala Symbala offers a unique collection of visual impressions and teaching aids related to the Tree of Life. The artist approaches the subject from a visual appreciation and explores 3 dimensional modeling, geometry and visionary arts. You will also find a shockwave flash interactive Tree and movies. The Kabbalah Poster and Alchemical Star Print are just a few of the published works on view and available for purchase

Web Site Visual Kabbalah - art and Judaism's Zoharic esoteric teachings come together.

"Kabbalah and art, a gallery of beautifully crafted screen-prints,
dedicated to mystical concepts. Fully narrated and explained, this
collection is both artistically and intellectually stimulating."

web page Kabbalah jewelry - Lucky Charms USA unique Kabbalah jewelry collection.

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Science, Mathematics, and Metaphysics

The Meru Foundation
Meru Foundation
- presents one of those amazing paradigms which
link up all kinds of disparate themes, scientific, religious, metaphysical... 
I quote

"The Meru Project is based on 25 years of research by Stan Tenen into the origin and nature of the Hebrew alphabet, and the mathematical structure underlying the sequence of letters of the Hebrew
text of Genesis. The Project is sponsored by the Meru Foundation, a private
nonprofit research and educational corporation founded in 1983."

Although not specifically Kabbalistic as such, the use of Hebrew Letters
as keys to the structure of reality is a very kabbalistic idea.

Web SiteJavaanimated graphicsphotosmusiclinks, links, links Pi
the Movie
- a film about mathematics,
Kabbalah, and the relationship between numbers and reality.  
This is a really nicely presented side.  A lot of thought-provoking
ideas here Buy the DVD!

on-line document Kabbalistic
Cosmology and its parallels in the Big-Bang of Modern Physics
Adam McLean - I remember reading this article in Adam McLean's excellent
little magazine The Hermetic Journal (now available external linkon
),  and it made a huge impression on me.  Mainly because
this paper approached the physics-mysticism synthesis not from the conventional
standard New Age /New
"Tao of Physics" slant used so successfully by Frithjof Capra
in his famous book of the same name, but from the rather more difficult,
but also more fascinating, perspective of Lurianic

Dramaturgy.  The physics is a little dated (Alan Guth's
Big Bang Inflation theory that was an exciting new
development when the article was written has long since been superceded
by more sophisticated developments) but the basics principles remain valid.

web page Kabbalah and the Tree of Life - some observations which relate to two different versions of the tree, here called the A and H shaped trees.

Web Site Project Mind Foundation

"Essence-theory behind Project Mind, derived from Lurianic/Ashlagian Kabbalah, is itself a philosophical breakthrough and makes possible the first concrete proposal for reconciling outer and inner paradigms ("science and spirit") in a balanced, high-energy synthesis that preserves the essentials of both."

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Philosophy and Semiotics

web pagegraphics Andries'
page - Peirce and the cabbala
- an interesting page that looks
at connections between the ideas of the American philosopher Charles Peirce
- founder of the modern science of signs (semiotics) - and the Kabbalah. 
Some nice images of the Kabbalistic Tree on this
site as well.

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Psychology and Psychosynthesis

Web Site Psychosynthesis and Kabbalah - the Will Parfitt Website -
Personal and spiritual development with the Kabbalah and its application through Psychosynthesis. Plus distance education, group courses, books, and articles to download. (this may also go under the following section)

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Modern / Practical / Applied

Web Siteon-line documentgraphicsmusic Kabbalah
Home Page
by Rev. Kythera Ann.- not much on Kabbalah here, despite
the title, but go to external link Kabbalah
Course Description
for information on a course in practical Kabbalah
and some interesting and worthwhile essays.  From a Christian
perspective but non-sectarian

Web Site - a Kabbalistic initiative to achieve Achdus, a mental, emotional and spiritual unity based in a group collective mind called Adam Kadmon

KABALA.ORG logo - Kabala Words of Wisdom - Offering tools for self-improvement through Kabala Words of Wisdom. An annual subscription to daily message comprised of Kabala Words of Wisdom via issues as follows:

Between a person and him/her self.

Between a person and his/her family.

Between a person and his/her work place.

Between a person and his/her society.

Web Site SoulSongs
- The Center of Kabballah Wisdom
- Shulamit, the director of
The Center for Sound Healing, uses sacred Vocal Tones (Hebrew vowel sounds)
to heal.and to access higher states of consciousness

Web Site Kabbalah
of Success
- Robert Apatow - combines Hassidic
Kabbalistic wisdom with the most important contemporary breakthroughs in
the science of personal growth.

web pagegraphics The
Tree-of-Life School of Kabbalistic Healing
- Joseph-Mark Cohen
- offers one year study program in the practical application of kabbalah. 
Expensive.  Combines Kabbalah with other esoteric

and New Age themes, certainly not representative
of traditional Kabbalah.  Still, some nice image files on this page.

Web Site Rootlight - The Divine Spiritual Wisdom - combines Kabbalah and Kundalini Yoga for self healing and psychic development.


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Join date : 2008-11-21

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